Category: Our Identity in Christ

  • Trusting God’s Plan Even When It’s Hard

    Trusting God’s Plan Even When It’s Hard

    Trusting God in tough times leads us into a more personal relationship with the lord and helps us better understand His purpose in our lives.

  • Amelia’s Letters

    Amelia’s Letters

    Like her wildflowers were drawn to the sun, people were drawn to Amelia. She was gifted with a radiant but sweet personality, always extending her hands to help others. She was known for her fresh-baked breads gifted to those in need and a listening ear for anyone who needed to talk about the hard stuff…

  • We Are Made In God’s Image:  Our Identity in Christ

    We Are Made In God’s Image: Our Identity in Christ

    At the beginning of the book of Genesis, we read that we are made in God’s image. Read that again. We are made in God’s image. When I rest on that verse for a minute, its significance begins to sink in, but still, it’s such a profound truth. Of all creation, we humans get the…

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